By Simona Vivi H
Mother's Day has long been a complicated day for me. But not this year. This year I am choosing to celebrate my wise inner mother.
Here's to our wise inner mothers! Here's to turning within for advice and comfort. For the experience of attunement, wise counsel, belonging. To know someone has our back. To feel witnessed, accepted, protected, nurtured, and loved...AS WE ARE. And as we are becoming.
Here's to our wise inner mothers!
Happy Remothering Day.
First Sunday in May.
If turning within to access the mother qualities we all seek is a new practice for you; or even if you are seasoned at it, but you'd like to learn additional tools and techniques, join us for this year's reMothering Masterclass.
For more information and to register, visit the Programs & Classes page on
I may be marching in a parade of one here. And that's ok if I am because this new knowing feels important to my system. But I am curious... what do you think? You in? Does celebrating your wise inner mother in this way feel important to you too?
If this feels aligned and you want to share it, here are some pre-made posts (simply right click on the image to save it and repost). Or feel free to make your own.
Article written by:
Simona Vivi H
Simona Vivi Hadjigeorgalis is the founder of, a collaborative space where industry leaders create remothering resources for independent-learning. Simona also has a private coaching practice at The Center for Remothering.
For more from Simona, check out her FREE mini-course: Liberate Your Inner Dialogue, 4 seemingly simple yet amazingly effective techniques to quiet stormy mental chatter at
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Happy Remothering Day
First Sunday In May.
Dear Wise Inner Mother, thank you for loving me AS I AM and as I become. Happy remothering day.
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